Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 3: The Gomers, The Stick and The Bra

Week 3 of my training has come to an end. To be totally honest, it wasn't too bad of a week. Definitely easier than I thought it would be but I still had to push myself. 12 miles total divided into a 3, 4 and 5 mile run. The latter of which was done in Liberty Park and I really liked running there. I will be doing that a lot when the weather is nice.

Coach Jim introduced me to a new podcast called "Two Gomers Run a Marathon". It's not only a great podcast to listen to but it's great when I'm running because it's distracting me from thinking too much about how absolutely exhausted I am or wondering what my ass looks like in my running pants. The podcast is just two average guys who have never done anything extraordinary and they are training to run a marathon. They are open and honest about all of their ups and downs including times they want to vomit and when they think they might "Code Brown" on someone's front lawn. I'm happy to report that I have never been to that point in my running but I can assure you that as soon as I do, you guys will be the first to know. 
Because I know part of you is curious. 

Let me also tell you about "The Stick". Every athlete or wanna-be, such as your's truly, should invest in this slightly overpriced piece of fantastic plastic. (ha! bonus...I made a rhyme) 
"The Stick" is considered 'a toothbrush for your muscles'. Despite its marketing flaw (toothbrush?...?) it really is a handy little thing to own. It's just a long plastic rod with several little plastic rings that you can roll along your muscles before or after a work out to help get the lactic acid out of there. I've used it after my runs on my calves in particular and it is sooooooo nice. My legs still hurt but certainly not as bad as they would if I hadn't used it. 
My calves hurt today because I decided to be an idiot and run 5 miles yesterday, then wear high heels all day today. So by the time I got home, my calves hurt so bad that all I wanted was The Stick. I was such a pansy about rolling it down my leg since they hurt so I made Coach Jim take over and give them a good rub down (keep it PG people). Let me tell you, it hurts so good. 
Anyway...invest. I promise you will love it. 

To the ladies out there: have you ever finished a work out only to find that somehow Lake Eerie is now residing in your bra between the mountains? I mean, really! How nasty is that?? I've never really been a sweaty person. A light perspiration?....maybe. Certainly never to this extent. But if you combine more exercise than my ass is used to and a gym with fans that are also on spring break, you get one nasty boob sweat. Hey, I promise to keep it real, folks. Good and bad. Unfortunately, sweat is a necessary evil. 
But on a much less disgusting note, I found a bra that you ladies really need to try if you're looking for one to keep those girls under control and not bouncing in your face during a work out. 
The Under Armour Duplicity Sports Bra not only secures the boobs during the entire duration of the ride, it's ridiculously comfortable. I don't even think about it when I'm running. Which might be partly because I'm busy thinking about how I would handle a "Code Brown"  situation should I ever need to. But I'm mostly sure it's because I'm comfortable. Oh! And..its reversible! So no one would ever know if you were to switch sides and wear it again the next day without washing it! Which is gross. I mean, Lake Eerie was in there. Wash that bra! 
But you have the option if you want it, Nasty.

Week 4 will include a 5k. I will keep you posted. Don't worry!

Monday, April 18, 2011


First of all, let me say this...I am not a runner.

I'm just a girl who runs. You might ask yourself, "What's the difference?" And I honestly can't tell you my exact reasoning. I have this image in my head of what a real runner looks like and I'm definitely not that. But I want to be. It's what all the cool kids are doing these days. So I'm going to try.
With the help of my boyfriend - who I consider to be a real life runner - I will train to run a marathon. (which marathon has yet to be determined but I have a few in mind and I'll come back to that in another post). I will document all the ups and downs that come with training for a marathon and put it on this blog for my utter humiliation and your entertainment.

Now, I'm already 3 weeks into my structured training schedule as laid out by Coach Jim. The first two weeks are far too much to write about right now but believe me when I was ugly, folks. It was more than ugly. It was an absolute disaster. It was full of pain, sweat, hissy fits, getting lost in Murray suburban hell, a battle with a heart rate monitor and enough swearing to make a construction worker pray for my salvation.
Something tells me my entire training process will always be like that. (I must be insane)

So on that note....
Join me, boys and girls, as I log my progress to becoming a super awesome runner!
It's sure to be interesting.