Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good run, bad run and my figurative taunting bug.

First of all...let me start out this post on a positive note.

I ran the Freedom 5k over the 4th of July weekend. My last few 5ks I've completed in about 35-33 minutes. So I wanted to finish this one with a 2- in front. I didn't care if it was 29:59, as long as it was under 30.
The route was almost the same as the Pride Day 5k I did in June so I thought I might be able to do it.
The first mile I ran in about 9:30/mile! That's speedy for me! I mean, I was probably a giant blob to the people around me. Especially snails. I imagine it was a little like this....

Note the pink shoes. Yeah..that's pure awesome.

As I got near the finish line, my RunKeeper conveniently announced my time....30:10!
11 seconds off!!! I was soooooo close!! I'm bummed I didn't get the time I wanted but I'm glad that I'm really close to getting there. I have no doubt that with a little more training, I can get a 5k under 30 min.

Now for a more negative / serious note. I'm just 3 days away from running my first half marathon and I just don't know how this will go, you guys.

The Legacy Midnight Run starts Friday at 10pm on the Legacy trail and goes from North Salt Lake to Farmington. They light the trail with neon lights and even the coolers are lit up with glowing ice cubes. How awesome is that?!

Check it out    http://www.legacymidnightrun.com/

13.1 miles is still a long distance for me. So when Coach Jim and I had a training run this last weekend, I wanted to get 10 miles under my belt.

Damn. It was NOT pretty. There were tears involved. And the last mile or so was all just walking and fuming while my loving boyfriend was smart enough to not say a word and when he did, they were encouraging. I don't know if you have picked up on this while reading this blog, but I can either do awesome in a run or I do crappy and beat myself up about it.Then I pretty much give up and get super negative and Coach Jim does what he can to make me feel better. And really, I can't even tell you why it was bad except maybe that it was a little hot and my first few miles I went too fast and got tired. But really, when I look back on the time and distance, I didn't do as bad as I thought I did. But at the time....it was horrible! Needless to say, I only got about 8 miles and they were slooooowwww.


I'm going to try my best to do well in this race but mostly I just want to cross the finish line because this will be the farthest distance I've done. And overall, I think it will be fun.

Wish me luck this weekend. I'll let you guys know how it goes. And if that snail "accidently" gets squished.

(wait, I can't even joke about that. Poor smart ass snail. I couldn't squish him. He's totally figurative anyway)

1 comment:

  1. You're too damn cute! Love the pics. Especially the pink shoes!

    FYI - Tell coach Jim that he should come play soccer tomorrow night. We need him!
